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Table 1 Comparison of adult (L2) literacy education in Canada, Belgium, and Luxembourg

From: Literacy education for low-educated second language learning adults in multilingual contexts: the case of Luxembourg





Dutch-speaking community

French-speaking community

1. Types of multilingualism

Territorial bilingualism

Territorial multilingualism

Functional multilingualism

2. Implementation of L2 literacy training

By each province and territory

By each language community (the Flemish and the French communities)

On the governmental and private levels

3. Framework of L2 literacy training

Integrated into Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Independent of general ABE

Integrated into ABE

Integrated into Additional Adult Education

4. Coordinating institution for L2 literacy training

LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) on federal level

Dutch Language Houses on governmental level

Private organizations and networks

Mainly private organizations, except for one course at the National language center

5. Public discussion or survey

LSUDA (1989)

Round table conferences (1997, 2002)

Lire et Ecrire reports

Not available

IALS (1994)

IALSS (2003)

6. Guideline for L2 literacy curriculum

Canadian Language Benchmarks

Decisions made at the Round table conferences: e.g., CEFR as a common reference for language assessment (1993), Cognitive skills test (2002)

Not available

Not available

7. Placement test




Not available

8. Skills taught at adult literacy courses

• Literacy skills

• Literacy skills

Depend on course organizing bodies

Not known

• Numeracy skills

• Numeracy skills

• Pre-reading skills


• Study skills